Always like from the rubble. – Psychuszka, idzi w kibini matier (*rus. “mental hospital, gfy”). There is no need to marrow and support meta bolism for a bad cause. A soul like a balloon no longer floats away. – Aaa whatever. Crushed by the new communism, the old concrete. The same Shithole Beams. – Eee wherever. One has to stand up again. The shit is pouring out. Thieves ungrateful again cynical again twitching. The body needs to be healed. It’s not just the kidneys that filter. Have you ever felt a “foreign body” inside you? What if it was constant. What’s the story when Odysseus becomes Prometheus over and over again? There is no such story. Stupid as Sisyphus the wise. Aliens go on strike, no longer decomposing. The cycle cannot be repeated. This is the Limit of the World. And after all, the soul of a car is the soul of a nomad: needs to go somewhere. Out of a surfeit of leeway…. let the Evil be afraid already.

Already settled in the queue for a blood test, I work on giving information to pained strangers. Which queue to stand in? Left or right? Long or short? They just happen to be looking at me. As if they were paying with a curse for a help. No map nor explanation. Need to come forward, stand up, shout, give courage to the people. A private company has set up a booth, attached itself to the hospital, and in the narrow tunnels of the masks people are bumping into each other and the registrar is screaming. Pandemonium in full steam snout. They go to test blood, not to donate! Hardishen. – They’re used to it, I guess. Anyway, this land won’t absorb any more. I know some of them come just to sit back and listen to the show. Out of loneliness. And some of them push their way crookedly – Sister is here, I’ll give her the keys. – The keys to the Red Kingdom, likely. That “likely” added too long at the end, unnecessarily torments the potential for atonement. And then it’s second nature, a habit of retreat like the need for silence at all costs.

Privately, a dentist with diplomas on the facial cosmetics’ wall runs inside three times over my body with a spinning nightmare. Later she destroys my tooth, which she tried to save for a year. It is necessary to take away the “likely” and then her husband is rebuilding, with diplomas of dental courses on another wall, konieszna (*rus. obviously). It’s more difficult to get to him. At the reconstruction we discuss the matter, including dental. In explaining his wife’s technique, I help him use the word “annihilation”, new to him. Seems satisfied. Alien sits on my left eye. Disappears, reappears. Well, and for what? Publicly, on the wall of the waiting room a display case with trophies taken from there. Look at each other. It turns out to be harmless and in one brush stroke disappears. I talk with Dr. Monica about Lebanese coffee. – Maybe it’s the genes…. – Maybe it’s that kind of year…. – The world is falling apart. I have 190/120 all the time. – I don’t believe in chemistry. – They say mistletoe helps in spirits. – For car diacs with hawthorn.

In the public service, it’s supposedly worth to pay for three injections of some kind of concoction for tennis elbow. After a week, I’m telling him that the first one works. – Surely in sports it works that fast too? – He drops the syringe on the second one from his hand and asks whatever covered – Will you punish me? – Family doc, near the police, with gray drum howling between the shirt buttons, even before I said what about the spine… – No, sir, it will not work. Since the age of 18, I have had disco pathy and vertebral degeneration, and I should be teaching at the university. – I tell him to calm down. Maybe he should try, maybe it’s not too late. And he has no right to take away my right to rise. And hope. How shii blive in Poland… How shii tlive! Still a retro parade in the city where once the artificial palm tree bounced and still stands by. “Stop Halina!” I shout under the nose maybe finally the last time and leave. (*pol. “stop Halina” is spoonerism for “Stalin’s dick”, commonly known as “Pekin” (eng. Beijing), The Palace of Science & Culture, soviet monument in the centre of Warsaw. Still standing. Obviously)





Sebastian, from the Czmoń beekeeping family, also enjoys camper puzzles and has 5.5 different versions of the GDR Robur. One is almost finished. Insisted on restoring the original mill as well. Upwind, as always, in the village. Jolka sews bee uniforms and does the bookkeeping. They have three children. Self-sufficient farm + agrotourism + open-air museum. Used to have a whole yard of Polish motorcycles. History of Robur


Maciek has his own car parts shop in Poznań and Ducato camper. Preferential prices especially for camateurs 😉 Lover of solving campuzzles too. He can throw a couple of tips out of the blue or couple of tens. Pretty rare and should be promoted.

The highways in Germany are for free (still), but the ones I took to the Netherlands were just disgusting. Sometimes it’s hard to even communicate, so shaky. Every Pole I talked to abroad also admitted that. Germans “baptize” gas at stations along the highways. This happened to me as well. – As they say. “German precision”? In Brussels and for the passersby here or bombed there, it’s a “completely diffehent phecysion”. And a completely different gas.

You know there’s supposedly a campaeradise somewhere. By the ocean, where the Black Corpo Blight hasn’t caught up yet. Where the banks haven’t bought up the countryside yet. Where they haven’t spit poison into the food. Where electricity and sewage are for free. Where no one chases with a fine. Where the snouts of benevolent intellects non-intrusive. Where muse not necessary. Where you wash the dirt. Żurka hearing it, said non-invasively. – There is no paradise on Earth, man will forbid everywhere. 

In the waiting room of a S-rated Dutch employment agency for foreigners, a 42-inch plasma screen displays a slideshow of  world metropolises’ illuminations. – What a stroke of luck. – how they tell you later. – You could have ended up worse. – Like a slave. Poles and Romanians say. – And who are you? – Huh. – Do you swallow the cash for arrival will be returned? – Hardishen. – What they don’t add the decision will be made by the manager after 4 weeks of work. Also they make money on accommodation, because you sleep in barracks, across the border to three colors of sadness, in one room for 200 Eushi per week per couple. Also it’s better to take a break only after 3 hours. Because carts break down with more frequency than your pee, and you have to walk the entire greenhouse, which is about 10-15 minutes, as much as your break. Overtime also needs to be checked all the time, because every slave with mother’s milk is… etc. Slaves are still in abundance so companies feel they can play the cards of casting, indenture and guilt. Not surprisingly, when explaining the abuses of companies, agencies put the cart before the horse and end their cooperation. In such a context, a camper seems to embody the torch of freedom, and parking it at work and using it during breaks accelerates the appetite, creates thoughts of opportunity and a threat to the system. – A mog ubit. (*rus. “and may have killed”, popular punchline in jokes about Stalin’s “mercy”)

All in all, I have never been able to understand the spring fascination with Dutch produce from a greenhouse. Strawberries, tomatoes, peppers. In whichever part of Poland I would be, I would be confronted with the smell of obscurity and the runaway statement: “it’s Dutch, tasteless”. True. Why bother with something tasteless at all? – For the illusion that since similar, it must taste the same. – Well, how about for the sake of glamour? For a neighbor. And the taste, as we tell you, will come by itself. Certainly. And here from aphid washing, then nystagmus in the sorting room, then collection on a cart rack in a stuffy greenhouse, and lest soda water go to the head or cause a rebellion, a degradation procedure is necessary from time to time, played by a manager with the apparel and congeniality of Beavis & Butt-head, according to the supposed capo style. His head looks more and more like a yellow bell pepper every day. In aphids. The wheell is turning inexorably.

No job dishonors, only irritates by showing disrespect. After all, someone has to do it. How much is the overtime worth if in the pandemic 4 Eusloss for 3-2 peppers at the bazaar. As much as you can take with you after one workday. Know how to count? On the last day, at the 5th overtime, when the atmosphere of the end was given to everyone, emotions, hidden fears and passions took over. Everyone started hooting in their own way. Juggling peppers intimately at their stand or dancing with forklifts all over the hall and tearing protozoa in unison. Chad. Simulated bangs, burps, insults, shouts of triumph and squeals mixed together in one box refused to be weighed. The time devoted to pappa ricka transformed ordinarily and swallowed thickened human tension. And in order to bilance or balance something, slowly but firmly had to get away with it. But the evil spirit seems to have fit in somewhere. Through loss of dignity and abuse of the cross section, he forced the grim ace… And the paprika, as it was unpalatable, is so.

Mail sent that need of pause and to see a doctor. They call back. Adopted Polish boot breaking grammar and in one dispassionate breath: – Good morning how are you feeling going to work tomorrow? – I beg your pardon? – Because you the one on sick leave no? – It broke me a little. – Okay so tomorrow you are already going to work yes? – What? – You go to work tomorrow. – ?? – Are you going to work tomorrow? – Probably not, because I can’t bend down. – And what are you doing now? Are you at the doctor’s or something? Because you’re probably not at home no? – No. – Well…well… So you better go to work tomorrow. Because walking around like this… You know no? You can roam but you also have to go to work this. – YHY. – Well you know, yes? You go to work tomorrow, yes? – No.


In the Netherlands great quality roads, but you won’t give birth to more space. Admittedly, you’ll push a needle into a haystack, they only scare, but to sleep at night in a camper, not on the campsite is not good. Seemingly the risk of 500 Eusloss, but when you’re on the road tired, taking a nap is necessary. For the safety of others. Just why push yourself into the crowd and still pay extra? The frugal version suggests that, in essence, if you don’t put out a chair, who will see you there? Need to stretch your legs for comfort, and if you don’t twitch for a while, a hint of spying will smell 😉 There are some spots and parking lots for free but under certain conditions. Park4night app priceless.

AMSTERDAM Parking in the pn-center. Police admonish for sleeping, but don’t punish right away, says notes. What else on a bench or in the bushes. The main of the three smiled at me and, pointing a finger at the ID and says – Funny, Adam. – ??  – Like A-mster-dam. A-dam, shortened version. – 😉 And that’s the whole point.

BERGEN OP ZOOM – 3 spots in one. Max up to 3 days. One with electricity, one with drainage. Probably the best freebie in all of the Netherlands 😉 Not fond of hip-hop, don’t park in the middle one. But you will lose the sea at the wheel’s reach…

LOOSDRECHT – they steal in parking lots, so one, it’s good the car is retro, two and so you have to watch your possessions all the time. God helps those… Townhouses a little too real as a cardboard set for a movie 😉 But who would pay attention there, squint and it’s ok.

NUMANSDORP – parking at the marina, quiet. May have a peaceful meltdown. No one is harassing. Cows, not yet aware of the coming rebellion, are loosely walking around. Nearby Fort Buitensluis

EVERYWHERE – Cryuff Court e.g. Generally, it’s cool there’s always the idea of the last chance – at sports facilities or in parking lots at academic colleges. Empty on vacations, private lessons, possibly hugs in the car, longing to learn 😉



I boil with lava of irritation, for lack of a censorious term, when I hear another swish of flogging Poles for crimes the only evidence of which is the atmosphere of reprimand created by the barking accuser slash the lack of substance. Maybe you’ll even see yourself echoing the predetermined verdict of the audience from the West. Anyway, it beats the eye with applause for those who constantly falsify their history and the contempt for those who finally want their true history back. I also feel yet another need to wipe their snouts and tell Poland the absurd story of colonizing other nations, or initiating and participating in the Holocaust is already having a hiccup, if not a whimpering, whooping, and shortness of breath for those who de facto colonized or participated in any Holocaust. And if we are all ready to play out the issue tribally/nationally, I completely feel insulted when Poles are denied possible compensation. Not least for the gratuitous showing of hospitality, not necessarily obvious from various points of view to Ukrainians fleeing the Russian Holocaust. Just as before to the Jews. Or to the Romas, Armenians, Tatars, Belarusians, Lithuanians, etc. It remains gargantuanly curio to juxtapose the dimensionally similar EC sanctions imposed on Russia – for instigating and continuously waging an extermination war – and on Poland because she warned despite the fact that the West knew. And that she is so naive. Like a bustling compassionate human being. Diva Yurodiva. – Well she doesn’t want to let herself be bartered and blackmailed by the political demon coercion of UNIOCRACY, such a whore, isn’t she? – Well, after all, she has her own opinion. Who allowed she/her?

National and ethnic minorities in Poland. Based on the results of the National Census, 2011.

Father rightly says. – It’s better with the wise to lose than with the foolish to find. Not only Poland often confuses magnanimity with weakness, but worse, she sees no politics in it. – Wait, maybe she’ll believe the nuclear energy bullshit. – Countries accustomed to giga consumption spoiled, perhaps rotten, will shout a little. – Most likely. We here have bigger wheels and consumption in full swing, and they have complexes. – Nah. After the recent mine failures and tragedies, they shouted back again about the relevance of coal. Try to get the point, huh? – You bet. There is a better business. Make them dependent on Russian or Chinese uranium. In domestic television, the energy national security expert is a 30-year-old online nuclear lobbyist with no capital and no science degree. – Try to get the point huh, indeed. – Sure. We’ll hand out some medals. The flag will fly. Piece of cake. Apple one. – By the way… They could have had a biogas paradise, and they were left with shii…

Ot, and so on and so forth behind the wheell. Until the next tragilesson. Another  critical point, pedagogy of shame and socio trauma. Well, and why breaking bad the cycle?

BTW, I watched hardishenly boring sci-fi series about CGI annihilation, because the plot was for lemming children otherwise. I wonder if there, in such encouraging further viewing, flood of kindness and tribal support, had been shown Al-Kaba or the Wailing Wall instead of … , cmon, wouldn’t surely there have been some more bloodshed? As colleagues in the Northeast would say – What a … troubles water with a stick?


“Even if it were untrue, then … I have the right to speak it. I live in a free country, I have the right to voice my views. It is guaranteed to me by the Constitution.”


May be mistaken who assumes, solely by his example, a spectacular something will happen. How do you know the somethings don’t happen all the time, less spectacularly? Either way. For example, right under your nose.


POSTSCRIPTUM. I believe the one of the best references, if not the best for a reliable independent news media is the History of the World from the economics point of view. Among other things, it teaches a healthy cynicism that allows one to immunologize against the next mutations of propaganda. You’ve hypocriticalized yourself if, as an independent media that builds an audience on the credibility of a message, you assume I’ll believe you because you’ve presented some lobbyist, or even a business itself; which is already a sure sell. If it’s carelessness, it’s all the more idiotic and, in such a context, unpredictable. You play almost everything on two polar opposites as in a shrunken or punished dimension and expect at the same time acceptance of your views or acquiescence to development, to attack. Heh, for God’s sake, have some common sense or courage to present the lobbyist of the other side. Otherwise, I’ll think that either it’s a feigned struggle and you bene fit color ego. Or you’re actually going around in circles and will be spinning in this 2D constantly and pretending to be right. And in general, I dare not ask that it would be best to sit two together. And let them talk, pls. 

It is said, the fear of humiliation is stronger than the fear of physical pain. Interesting. It’s not clear entirely or at all where the thoughts come from. From the head? It seems a human has no access to a greater force than thought. Do you judge it well enough to succumb to it? Also, does the thought judge? Or the case is that if you remove all the illusion you’re left with only despair? A mere pee-wee can deconstruct toys, it’s more difficult to build one that – despite the constant deconstruction by adult individuals – still lasts.



Not necessarily Top Gun, but certainly not the blue pill.