fot. Marcin Berendt

Polish Green Network: INTERVIEW by Jan Ruszkowski. About energy cooperative activity.

Conference “Civic Energy NOW!” Poznań 10.10.2019 

Green Commune. Cooperatives above divisions. INTERVIEW by Marcin Fajerski

AD: An increasing number of German residents, the UK Britain or Greece feels responsible for climate change and rising greenhouse gas emissions. Prosumers know that cooperatives are not only an ecological but also a cost-effective solution. In Poland, in my opinion, there is a good ground for cooperatives to become a driving force for renewable energy. You just need to revive it somehow. In Denmark, the idea of socio-energy transformation of the late 1990s came from the government. READ MORE

Rzeczpospolita TV. Dzienis: Energy cooperatives are an unprecedented phenomenon in Poland. INTERVIEW by Michał Niewiadomski

Independence is freedom of speech and the risk that people won’t hear you. I made Human Energy film about RES cooperatives for 3 years in 12 European countries without a team, with huge hypocrisy and absurd conspiracy. And with the help of Veronica Bloch More about the movie

I was a guest of Michał Niewiadomski in the programme “Rzecz o Biznesie” (Business case), Rzeczpospolita TV

The Sun, Wind and Waves Belong to Everyone. INTERVIEW by talks Ewa Dryjańska with the creators of the film "Human Energy"

These small entities, small companies and cooperatives, three years ago took 20 percent of the market in the UK’s so-called Big Six, the largest energy corporations. In many cases, the promotion of this activity is done only orally. Some people are afraid that too “predatory” civic energy won’t be in the interest of governmental or corporate interests. READ MORE

Speech - II dispersed Energy Forum - Clean Energy for Everyone, Cracow 25.11.2019

The Forum took place on 25 November 2019 at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow.

complete stream:

the fashion for community-ism. Article in the Fight for Climate, supplement in Rzeczpospolita

If the price of electricity is rising in your country or if in your area the water from the rivers is flooding the streets and you are afraid of climate change, and you have already lost hope that the government will do something about it, or you are tired of taking the capital out of your municipality at all – this energy meeting is for you!”. This is approximately how the local rally to establish a REScoop (Renewable Energy Sources cooperative) begins. Read more

Speech - Development perspectives for collective prospectuses - Expert Panel - Poznań 2019

Expert panel of the conference “Civic Energy NOW! Time for communities and energy cooperatives”, during POL-ECO SYSTEM 10.10.2019 in Poznań. The panel was attended by: Michał Tarka, MPiT advisor for the Energia Plus programme, Barbara Adamska, ADM Poland, expert on distributed energy and energy storage Jakub Koczorowski, Polish Heat Pump Technology Development Organisation. Moderator: Michał Niewiadomski, Editor of Energianews

Energy is not an elite business. Anyone can produce energy and make money. INTERVIEW by Joanna Bajkowicz

I asked the president of a cooperative in Germany where the first solar cooperative was established, how it was possible that they broke the barrier, that the local government went along with them by setting guaranteed tariffs for energy consumption. And he said that they shouted out loud because they cared about it. We should learn that it is important, who and for what we pay, what type of energy, that we should start paying attention to the environment long ago. READ MORE

Film Human Energy review: "The Green Grassroots Revolution in Clean Energy" by Anca Voinea

Climate change and concerns over the ownership of energy production have led to the search for new models in the sector – including the rise of community-owned energy… THE WHOLE REVIEW

Together with Weronika Bloch about the documentary film "Human energy" in Radio Three in the radio show "The World from Drozd's Flight".

Together with Weronika Bloch we were invited to Radio Three, March 24th, 2019 to Paweł Drozd’s programme entitled: “The world from Drozd’s flight”, meetings with people and stories that inspire to go beyond the corset of schemes. Away from political disputes, but always with music that carries beyond boundaries. About a world that invariably attracts and fascinates people. BROADCAST (in polish)

Review of the film Human Energy by Jan Popczyk

Jan Popczyk (professor since 1987) the main author of the concept of power market reform, after the political changes in 1989. For 20 years he has been working on the basics of the energy transformation, among others, he is involved in creating startups in this area. In 2006, he created the Intelligent Energy Consortium and in 2013, he created the Electronic Source Library of Prosumer Power. He co-creates with his team the concept of a mono electricity market for RES and prosumer utility energy markets. 

“This movie is for everyone. For those who until now have not followed the civilisational transformation of the energy sector, which is now spreading around the world”  READ MORE